
Thanks for thinking of a way to help improve this library! Remember that contributions come in all shapes and sizes beyond writing bug fixes. Contributing to documentation, opening new issues, asking for clarification on things you find unclear, and requesting new features, are all super valuable contributions.

Code Improvements#

All development for this library happens at,

First set up a dev environment. The instructions here use mamba which is open source implementation of conda that offers significant speed ups. You can substitute conda for mamba or use venv without any ill-effects.

mamba create -n mplsignal-dev python
conda activate mplsignal-dev

Now clone your fork of the Git repository and make an editable (-e) install.

git clone <your fork>
cd mplsignal
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Working with Git#

Using Git/Github can confusing ( so if you’re new to Git, you may find it helpful to use a program like Github Desktop and to follow a guide.

Also feel free to ask for help/advice on the relevant Github issue.


Following changes to the source files, you can view recent adjustments by building the documentation.

  1. Make sure you have installed the requirements for building the documentation:

cd mplsignal
pip install -e ".[doc]"
  1. Run the following commands:

cd docs
make html

If you open the _build/html/index.html file in your browser you should now be able to see the rendered documentation.

Autobuild the documentation#

Alternatively, you can use sphinx-autobuild to continuously watch the documentation for changes and rebuild it for you. Sphinx-autobuild will be installed automatically by the above pip command, and we’ve added it to the Makefile. All you need to do is:

cd docs
make watch

In a few seconds your web browser should open up the documentation. Now whenever you save a file the documentation will automatically regenerate and the webpage will refresh for you!