
Functions for pole-zero plots.

mplsignal.plane_plots.splane(zeros=None, poles=None, **kwargs)#

Plot the s-plane of a continuous-time system.

Identical to zplane(), except that unitcircle is False.

mplsignal.plane_plots.splane_tf(num=None, den=None, **kwargs)#

Plot the s-plane of a continuous-time system represented as a transfer function.

numarray-like, optional

Numerator of transfer function.

denarray-like, optional

Denominator of transfer function.


Additional arguments passed to splane().

mplsignal.plane_plots.zplane(zeros=None, poles=None, ax=None, adjust=1, spinelinewidth=0.2, spinecolor='black', zeromarker='o', polemarker='x', unitcircle=True, markercolor=None, zerofillstyle='none', polefillstyle='none', reallabel=None, imaglabel=None, zero_props=None, pole_props=None, multiplicity_props=None, **kwargs)#

Plot the z-plane of a discrete-time system.

zerosarray-like, optional

Zeros of transfer function.

polesarray-like, optional

Poles of transfer function.

axAxes, optional

Axes to plot in.

adjustint, default: 1

Number of times to execute text adjustment. Set to 0 to disable.

spinelinewidthfloat, default: 0.2

Line width of spines.

spinecolorcolor, default: ‘black’

Line color of spines.

unitcirclebool, default: True

If a unit circle is drawn.

zeromarkermarker, default: ‘o’

Marker to use for zeros.

polemarkermarker, default: ‘x’

Marker to use for poles.

markercolorcolor, optional

Color to use for pole and zero markers

zerofillstylefill style, default: ‘none’

Fill style to use for zeros.

polefillstylefill style, default: ‘none’

Fill style to use for poles.

reallabelstr, optional

Label for real axis. None gives “Real part”.

imaglabelstr, optional

Label for imaginary axis. None gives “Imaginary part”.

zero_propsdict, optional

Additional arguments for the zero markers when calling plot(). This can be used instead of zeromarker (‘marker’), markercolor (‘color’), and/or zerofillstyle (‘fillstyle’), but also for all other arguments of plot(). Any arguments provided here will override other arguments.

New in version 0.2.0.

pole_propsdict, optional

Additional arguments for the zero markers when calling plot(). This can be used instead of polemarker (‘marker’), markercolor (‘color’), and/or polefillstyle (‘fillstyle’), but also for all other arguments of plot(). Any arguments provided here will override other arguments.

New in version 0.2.0.

multiplicity_propsdict, optional

Arguments to text() for changing the properties of the texts showing multiplicity.

New in version 0.2.0.


Additional arguments passed to matplotlib.Axes.plot().

mplsignal.plane_plots.zplane_tf(num=None, den=None, **kwargs)#

Plot the z-plane of a discrete-time system represented as a transfer function.

numarray-like, optional

Numerator of transfer function.

denarray-like, optional

Denominator of transfer function.


Additional arguments passed to zplane().